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Eiropas Sociālais fonds Plus
Social Innovation Match (SIM)
Find Europe's best social innovation projects and organisations!
New ALMA initiative financed by ESF+
The European Pillar of Social Rights
Making social rights a reality through ESF+ funding
Fi-Compass advisory platform
for EU shared management financial instruments


Enhancing vocational education in Estonia: a new approach

A new programme in Estonia has improved vocational and higher education by introducing practical training and real-world experience for students.

Building capacity: how overseas training is transforming healthcare in Malta

Malta tackled a shortage of specialist healthcare professionals by sending students to the United Kingdom for advanced training in genetic counselling, optometry, and orthoptics.

Kas ir ESF+

What is esf+ collage
Eiropas Sociālais fonds Plus (ESF+) ir Eiropas Savienības galvenais instruments investēšanai cilvēkos. ESF+ budžets 2021.–2027. gadam ir gandrīz 99,3 miljardi eiro, kas tiks izlietoti tam, lai turpinātu sniegt būtisku ieguldījumu ES nodarbinātības, sociālajā, izglītības un prasmju politikā, tai skaitā lai veiktu strukturālas reformas šajās jomās.