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New ALMA initiative financed by ESF+
ESF for recovery
REACT EU (2021-23) and ESF+ (2021-27) will support the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis
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Fi-Compass advisory platform
for EU shared management financial instruments


New ESF+ funding for innovative ideas to reduce long-term unemployment and help people find jobs

The Commission has launched a call for proposals worth €23 million to help EU Member States develop new ways of tackling long-term unemployment and support people to find their way back into the labour market.

Commissioner Schmit calls for a stronger Cohesion Policy and a more social Europe

During the 9th Cohesion Forum, Commissioner Nicolas Schmit called for Cohesion Policy to play a greater role in addressing Europe’s housing crisis, as well as the enduring high levels of youth unemployment and child poverty.

Mikä on Euroopan sosiaalirahasto plus?

What is esf+ collage
Euroopan sosiaalirahasto plus (ESR+) on EU:n tärkein ihmisiin kohdistuvien investointien rahoitusväline. ESR+:n määrärahat ovat vuosina 2021–2027 lähes 99,3 miljardia euroa. Siitä tarjotaan edelleen merkittävää tukea EU:n työllisyys-, sosiaali-, koulutus- ja osaamispolitiikkojen toteuttamiseen ja näiden alojen rakenneuudistuksiin.