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Európsky sociálny fond +
Social Innovation Match (SIM)
Find Europe's best social innovation projects and organisations!
New ALMA initiative financed by ESF+
The European Pillar of Social Rights
Making social rights a reality through ESF+ funding
Fi-Compass advisory platform
for EU shared management financial instruments


Enhancing vocational education in Estonia: a new approach

A new programme in Estonia has improved vocational and higher education by introducing practical training and real-world experience for students.

Building capacity: how overseas training is transforming healthcare in Malta

Malta tackled a shortage of specialist healthcare professionals by sending students to the United Kingdom for advanced training in genetic counselling, optometry, and orthoptics.

Čo je ESF+

What is esf+ collage
Európsky sociálny fond + (ESF+) je hlavným nástrojom Európskej únie (EÚ) na investovanie do ľudí. ESF+, s rozpočtom takmer 99,3 miliardy eur na obdobie 2021 až 2027, bude naďalej významne prispievať k politikám EÚ v oblasti zamestnanosti, sociálnych vecí, vzdelávania a zručností vrátane štrukturálnych reforiem v týchto oblastiach.