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Europæiske Socialfond Plus
Simplifying the ESF+
Better results, less administrative burden.
Social Innovation Match (SIM)
Find Europe's best social innovation projects and organisations!
The European Pillar of Social Rights
Making social rights a reality through ESF+ funding


Quality care for older people in Slovakia

As we celebrate the International Day of Older Persons, discover how the European Social Fund Plus is helping to improve the lives of senior citizens in Slovakia.

Vote for your favourite REGIOSTARS finalist in the 2024 competition!

The public vote for the REGIOSTARS 2024 competition – a label of excellence for EU cohesion policy projects – is open until 9 October 12:00 CET on the official REGIOSTARS website!

Hvad står ESF+ for

What is esf+ collage
Den Europæiske Socialfond Plus (ESF+) er EU's vigtigste instrument til investering i mennesker og støtte til gennemførelsen af den europæiske søjle for sociale rettigheder. Med et budget på 142,7 mia. euro for 2021-2027 vil ESF+ fortsat yde et vigtigt bidrag til EU's beskæftigelses-, social-, uddannelses- og kompetenceudviklingspolitikker, bl.a. strukturelle reformer på disse områder.