ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) is an initiative designed for young people aged 18 to 29 who are not currently engaged in employment, education, or training (NEETs).
The goal of ALMA is to actively include more young people in the job market and society in general, using international mobility as a key tool for their professional and personal development.
The initiative offers them a unique opportunity to gain work experience and learn new skills in different EU countries. This initiative provides each participant with a personalised plan and ongoing mentorship, focusing on practical work-related learning experiences abroad.
This page includes practical information for ESF+ managing authorities, sending and receiving organisations, and future ALMA participants. For more detailed information, please consult the ALMA Handbook.
Managing authorities
The ALMA initiative can help to achieve several ESF+ specific objectives:
- youth employment (a),
- equal access to training and learning mobility (f),
- active inclusion (h),
- socio-economic integration of third-country nationals and of marginalised communities (i) and (j),
- social inclusion of people at risk of poverty (l).
Member States can also use ALMA to fulfil the ESF+ thematic concentration requirements for youth and social inclusion.
ALMA is eligible for up to 95% co-financing under the mandatory social innovation priority. If programming is underway, ALMA can be included in the actions supporting specific objectives related to social inclusion or youth employment. Programme amendments can add direct ALMA references later.
The ALMA Network connects ESF+ Managing Authorities and Implementing Bodies engaged or planning to engage in ALMA initiatives. The network facilitates implementation of ALMA mobility projects across Member States and regions. To join or inquire, contact: alma@esf.lt
EU level simplified cost options, encompassing target groups, programme cycles, quality standards, and eligibility criteria, are outlined in the EU Delegated Act.
Sending and receiving organisations
Organisations interested in becoming ALMA partners can register in the ALMA Partner Search Database.
Sending organisations can apply to ALMA calls at national or regional levels. For call information, contact the managing authority in your Member State or region.
Receiving organisations can form transnational partnerships with sending organisations. Use the ALMA Partner Search Database or contact the relevant managing authority for partnership opportunities.
Other local entities (companies, youth organisations, training centres, etc.) are also encouraged to register in the database.
Future ALMA participants
Individuals cannot apply directly for ALMA, and the organisations co-financed by national and regional ESF + programmes are the ones who identify participants.
To request information on ALMA’s implementation, reach out to the managing authority in your Member State or region.
For further information, contact : EMPL-ALMA@EC.EUROPA.EU