EaSI project examples and EaSI organisations
Under the previous Employment and Social Innovation programme (EaSI) 2014 -2020, reports were published on projects and organisations funded by the EaSI programme. The descriptions of the projects and organisation can help understanding better what EaSI does, what type of actions it finances through calls for proposals. It also provides information on the organisations involved in the EaSI programme.
Under the ESF+ EaSI Strand, projects will be promoted at the ‘Projects & Results’ section on the ESF+ EaSI page at the Funding and Tenders portal. There additional information and statistics on proposals, success rates, funded projects and participants will be available as well.
Selected and completed projects will also appear at this website at ‘Projects’.
In addition, the EU’s Financial Transparency System also provides information on the projects awarded under EaSI, including the organisations involved in these projects and can be consulted, selecting ‘EMPL – Directorate General for Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion’ as Responsible Department and ‘1.1.6 – Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)’ as action type. By clicking ‘additional options’ users can further differentiate between ‘grants’, ‘prizes’, ‘public procurement’, etc.
Furthermore, the ESF+ EaSI page at the Funding and Tenders portal also hosts the ‘What’s New’ section with news about the EaSI strand. Here the Commission will inform about events concerning EaSI, including those organised in your country and publish articles informing about the strand.
The ESF+ EaSI Technical Working Group representative of your country
The EaSI strand is supported by the EaSI Technical Working Group under the ESF+ Committee, which is composed of the European Commission and government representatives of the Member States, as well as of third countries associated to the strand. The EaSI TWG oversees that the voice of key stakeholders is heard when the EaSI Annual Work Programmes are being prepared. This EaSI TWG also discusses the implementation aspects of the EaSI strand.
For more information visit the ESF+ Committee page.
EaSI National Contact Points (EaSI NCPs)
The EaSI national contact points aim at promoting the EaSI strand actions and its results in the Member States and other participating countries. They provide information and advice on how to participate in EaSI calls through a dedicated website and a helpdesk. Please find more in the existing webpages: