The EU will invest EUR 124.4 million in ESF+ funds in Malta to support projects promoting education and training, access to employment and healthcare. Strategic priorities include reducing early-school leaving and addressing skills shortages through innovative teaching methods and learning tools, inclusive education for vulnerable groups – such as children with disabilities – and education and lifelong learning in key areas, including the green and digital transition.
With the support of ESF+, Malta will improve social inclusion and access to the labour market, especially for women, young people, and the most vulnerable – including migrants and persons with disabilities. Food aid will also be provided to the most deprived. In addition, Malta will invest in its health, long-term care and social protection systems by providing training to workers and rolling out health research and awareness-raising campaigns.
The ESF+ investments will support Malta in achieving its 2030 social targets of raising the employment rate to 84.6%, increasing adult learning participation to 57.6% and reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion by 3.3 percentage points.
Malta implements the ESF+ via a single national programme.
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