The EU will invest over EUR 508 million in ESF+ funds in Ireland to increase employment for young people, persons with disabilities, long-term unemployed and women, with a focus on expanding skills and lifelong learning – including training and early childhood education services. Higher education institutions and schools will get funding for projects to create more inclusive learning environments – with further financial support for disadvantaged students.
ESF+ funding will improve the chances of people to get a job by providing training to up-and reskill, enhance lifelong learning and education measures with a focus on assisting people who face greater challenges. To facilitate integration of disadvantaged communities of people with a migrant background, the ESF+ is financing mentoring, language learning and social skills training.
The ESF+ investments will help Ireland to achieve its 2030 targets under the European Pillar of Social Rights: to increase the employment rate to 78.2%, adult participation in education and training to 64.2%, while decreasing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion by nearly 90 000.
The ESF+ in Ireland is implemented by the country’s national Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training programme.
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