The EU will invest EUR 414 million in ESF+ funds in the Netherlands to support vulnerable individuals to find (new) sustainable employment, promote social inclusion of disadvantaged groups, stimulate social innovation and offer material and food aid to the most deprived, including children.
the ESF+ in the Netherlands will support workers and jobseekers needing additional support to find a job or a better job, while considering the green and digital transitions.
ESF+ Netherlands will also launch various social innovation calls with the aim to generate equal opportunities, combat discrimination and promote gender equality. ESF+ activities will offer food and material aid to the most deprived, thereby fighting against social exclusion. Particular attention is given to the needs of children at risk of poverty.
ESF+ investments will contribute to the 2030 targets The Netherlands set under the European Pillar of Social Rights (raising the employment rate to 82.5%, adult participation in education and training to 62% and reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion by nearly 163 000.
The ESF+ in the Netherlands is implemented via one national programme and three regional programmes.
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