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Eiropas Sociālais fonds Plus

The ESF+ in Greece

Greek banner for esf+
(c) 2022 shutterstock

The EU will invest over EUR 5.3 billion in ESF+ funds in Greece to promote employment, skills upgrading (including for the digital and green transitions), quality and inclusive education and training, as well as high-quality and accessible social inclusion services.

ESF+ investments will support the modernisation and increased effectiveness of labour-market institutions and education and training systems, as well as social and health policies.  The measures put in place will provide employment opportunities for jobseekers, with a focus on long-term unemployed, women, young people and those in active working age. Upskilling and reskilling opportunities, entrepreneurship and social economy support will be expanded.  Emphasis is given on ensuring inclusive education at all levels and aligning the vocational and education system with the needs of a dynamic labour market. Support will be extended through the Alma initiative and individual learning accounts.  Investments in social innovation will be enhanced.

ESF+ investments in Greece will contribute to improving the quality of life by increasing the availability of social, educational, healthcare and long term care services. Particular focus will be given to marginalised communities and vulnerable groups, such as persons with disabilities, migrants and the Roma minority. Children will receive better start in life thanks to measures delivered under the Child Guarantee, increasing their participation in early childhood education and care programmes, inclusive education for children with disabilities and integrated measures to reduce child poverty.

Greece is committed to using these investments to achieve its 2030 targets under the European Pillar of Social Rights by raising the employment rate to 71.1%, adult participation in education to 40% and decreasing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion by nearly 860 000.

The ESF+ in Greece is implemented via the national Human Resources and Social Cohesion Programme, as well as 3 sectoral and 13 regional programmes, comprising funding from both the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the ESF+.

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