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Fonds social européen+

The ESF+ in Hungary

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The EU will invest EUR 5.3 billion in ESF+ funding in Hungary to support access to the labour market, quality education, and the integration of disadvantaged groups, including Roma. Specific attention will be paid to the development of skills required to thrive in the green and digital transition.    

Significant investments will be allocated to help ensure better access to quality education across the country, providing crucial financing to make the teaching profession more attractive. The ESF+ in Hungary will also help reduce material and social deprivation and give better opportunities to disadvantaged children among others through life-long learning programmes from the earliest age onwards. The funds will also improve living and health conditions in segregated areas.  

Investments by the ESF+ will enable Hungary to achieve its 2030 social targets under the European Pillar of Social Rights  by raising the employment rate to 85%, adult participation in education and training to 60% and through reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion by nearly 292 000.    

The ESF+ in Hungary is implemented through four programmes: the Human Resources Development Operational Programme Plus, the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme Plus, the Digital Renewal Operational Programme Plus and the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme Plus, all of which also include funding from the European Regional Development Fund.      

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