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Fondo sociale europeo Plus

The ESF+ in Bulgaria

Bulgaria esf+ banner image
(c) European Union

The EU will invest EUR 2.6 billion ESF+ funds in Bulgaria to improve access to jobs, boost skills to help citizens succeed in the digital and green transition, and ensure equal access to inclusive education and quality training. Youth employment support, long term care and social inclusion are also key priorities. This includes a focus on combatting child poverty, as well as the socio-economic integration of marginalised communities such as the Roma.  

Thanks to ESF+ funding, the school dropout rate is expected to decrease by 2030 from 12.8% to 7%. The ESF+ investments will contribute to achieve Bulgaria’s 2030 targets under the European Pillar of Social Rights  by raising the employment rate to 79%, adult participation in education and training to 35.4% and by reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion by nearly 800 000. 

The ESF+ in Bulgaria is implemented via three national programmes – for human resources development, education and food and basic material support.  

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