Study on Job Guarantees initiatives in Europe
This study outlines innovative approaches to "zero long-term unemployment" and job guarantees across Europe, highlighting lessons learnt and insights to opportunities for transfer and scaling up.

ALMA Handbook
This Handbook provides practical guidance to support Member States in setting up active inclusion programmes to address disadvantaged NEETs under the ALMA initiative.

ESF+ factsheet
The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) is the EU’s main tool for investing in people, building a more social and inclusive Europe and advancing the European Pillar of Social Rights. The ESF+ helps shape policies related to employment, social matters, education, and skills across the EU.

Communication, monitoring and evaluation toolbox
Evaluation should be a key component in any communication strategy. This principle is reflected in the Common Provisions Regulation 2021-2027 (CPR). Programmes’ authorities have a legal obligation to assess the impact of their

Communicating Cohesion policy in 2021-2027

Support kit for EU visibility
Improving the visibility of Cohesion Policy has become a major priority in recent years. Every year cohesion funding supports thousands of projects across Europe, embodying the most tangible manifestation of the EU on the ground.

Communication and visibility rules
This publication supports Member States in raising awareness in their own administrations and among stakeholders about the legally binding communication and visibility rules for European Union funding programmes under the long-term EU budget and NextGenerationEU from 2021.

Communicating operations of strategic importance in 2021-2027: a practical toolbox
The regulatory framework for the 2021-2027 programming period introduces a new feature for programmes across the EU, the so-called ‘operations of strategic importance’.

ESF synthesis report of 2021 AIRs
In recent years, the European Social Fund has provided a substantial crisis response. Nevertheless, by end of 2021, implementation has continued at a stable pace and the fund’s achievements have also increased.