SIM CASE STUDYSkills Centre for Foreigners Services supporting the integration of foreigners whilst helping employers to identify a workforce that can meet their needs
SIM CASE STUDYSupport services for ex-convicts Mentoring and housing services for persons leaving prisons
SIM CASE STUDYMáš na to podnikat a pracovat! - You can make business and work! Support to start a business providing a guaranteed income to participants while they develop and test their business ideas
SIM CASE STUDYThe Youth Prop-Up ProgrammeReaching out to NEETs and make them aware of the available support services
SIM CASE STUDYHigher Degree Training Programme in Renewable EnergiesA two-year programme designed for the needs of renewable energy companies
SIM CASE STUDYSupport for carers in PobeskydíAddressing the overall lack of information and awareness of the options offered by the State in the area of informal and home care.
SIM CASE STUDYT4EEU support for accelerated teacher training in the implementation of distance learning
SIM CASE STUDYBabysitterserviceMaking the region more attractive for families by re-creating traditional support structures through a modern system of intergenerational learning.
SIM CASE STUDYOne Step Ahead Providing support to young people who spent most of their lives in a children’s home
SIM CASE STUDYSure Start Children’s House Supporting children in extreme poverty including Roma children
SIM CASE STUDYYoung EastFacilitating successful transitions of young people in vulnerable situations into education and employment
SIM CASE STUDYHela FamiljenSupporting families’ economic self-reliance, through education and employment for children, young people and adults.
SIM CASE STUDYU.Dream: bringing young people closer to their local communitiesThe idea for the U.DREAM project came from the perceived disconnection between young people and their communities in Portugal: the rate of volunteering among young people was one of the lowest in Europe.