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European Social Fund Plus
SIM case study2023-03-23

Máš na to podnikat a pracovat! - You can make business and work!

Máš na to podnikat a pracovat! (You can make business and work!) supports people to find a suitable job or to start their own business. Its main innovation is its ability to provide a guaranteed income to participants while they develop and test their business ideas, thus eliminating the pressure of having to self-finance the process. This is done through the Business and Employment Cooperative (BEC), which follows a three-step process: business incubation, testing and self-employment.
The business incubation phase typically lasts between two and three months. During that time, participants are eligible to receive unemployment benefits from the labour office (the exact amount depends on their previous working situation) as they are participating in special business training session. The project finances counselling, tuition and mentoring on creating a solid business plan. The project may also finance specialised courses/qualifications, where appropriate.
The second phase covers the testing of business plans, under the umbrella of BEC. Here, participants become paid entrepreneurs, receiving a project-funded salary of CZK 13,400 (EUR ~550) per month. This funding can last for up to six months.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Active inclusion and employability
Target groups
Individuals with disabilities
Long-term or repeatedly unemployed persons
NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training)
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - regional
Programming period
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Empowering people
151 individuals
Internet and social
EU fund