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European Social Fund Plus
SIM case study2023-03-22

Sure Start Children’s House

Sure Start Children’s House was introduced in 2003 to support children living in extreme poverty, including Roma children. It was first supported and developed with external funding, primarily from the ESF and the Norwegian Fund. In 2013, it was incorporated into the Hungarian Basic Child Welfare Services Act and has since formed part of the Hungarian system of social services. By 2021, a total of 188 Sure Start Children’s Houses were operating throughout the country. Each Sure Start Children's House works with an average of 10 children and their parents on a regular basis.
The innovative aspect of Sure Start Children’s House is that it targets both children and parents. Its range of services includes child-friendly activities such as painting, cooking, reading and playing outdoor games. Nurses, paediatricians, educators and social workers offer guidance to parents in relation to parenting skills, personal hygiene, healthy nutrition, household management and personal development. These interventions compensate for developmental delays and support children’s healthy development, facilitating children’s integration into kindergarten, when they turn three.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Equal access to social services
Target groups
Migrants and ethnic minorities
Individuals experiencing poverty or social exclusion
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - national
Programming period
Project start
Type of initiative
Integrating disadvantaged groups
1880 individuals
Internet and social
EU fund