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European Social Fund Plus
SIM case study2023-03-22

Higher Degree Training Programme in Renewable Energies

The Higher Degree Programme in Renewable Energies started running in 2015 as a two-year cycle per graduating class. Teaching staff from the Rey Don García VET centre and staff from La Rioja government visited renewable energy companies in the region and assessed their needs. Using national regulations on vocational education and training as a basis, the La Rioja government and the VET centre teaching staff co-designed the programme’s curriculum by adapting the provisions stipulated in the regulations to La Rioja’s renewable energy context and companies’ needs. The programme is co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Education Council of La Rioja. The education level of the programme corresponds to a short tertiary education programme – programme students must have obtained a high school diploma or equivalent and by participating in this programme they can access university studies. First, the programme tutor visits and informs companies about the programme. The regional government prospectors perform a similar task, encouraging companies to participate in the dual VET programme. During each two--year cycle, students cover sectors as diverse as wind, photovoltaic, and electric power distribution. The programme comprises several modules each year that are shared between the VET provider and renewable energy companies in La Rioja. Students undertake practical experience in several companies in a rotation format as a holistic approach to training. Additionally, students produce renewable energy installations within the curriculum with the support of VET teachers who liaise with companies to obtain material and guide students through the installation process and the participating companies who provide materials and advice on the installations. These installations are later set up in the VET centre as a learning example to future students and to mark the VET centre as a reference in the region in renewable energy matters. Additionally, these installations enhance the VET centre’s sustainability.

Case study details

Lead organisation
La Rioja
Better education and training systems
Upskilling and reskilling
Target groups
Other target groups
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - regional
Programming period
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Facilitating transitions
24 individuals
Internet and social
EU fund