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European Union

EU Romani Week 2020 postponed for later this year

Due to coronavirus precautions taken in the European Parliament, the Romani Week will be postponed for later this year. Ahead of International Romani Day, policymakers, experts and organisations

Bringing Older Workers Back into the Labour Market

The European Social Fund (ESF) continues to be Europe’s main source for supporting jobs, helping people get better jobs and ensuring fairer job opportunities. Europe is facing a demographic crisis
European Union

Understanding the thematic focus of ESF programmes

An interactive visualisation allows stakeholders explore and compare the detailed investment themes across the funds, countries and thematic objectives. The Open Data Platform has launched a new

ESF Showcases Videos from Member States

The European Social Fund (ESF) is showcasing Member State videos to highlight the inspirational work being done throughout Europe. With support from ESF funding, member states are creating job

Conference in Poland: Children are the most important

The European Commission's Directorate General for Employment organises the conference for the Polish ESF Managing Authorities to discuss future ESIF support for children. The title of the Conference
European Youth Event

European Youth Event (EYE2020): Registration is Now Open!

The EYE2020 Event: The Future is now will take place in Strasbourg on from the 29th - 30th May 2020 and it will host an interesting workshop on the ESF + The European Youth Event runs every two years
European Union

Financial Instruments Under the European Social Fund (ESF)

Fi Compass is a platform that is provided by the European Commission for advisory services on financial instruments. On the Fi Compass website, there is a selection of videos covering projects within