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Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινωνικό Ταμείο+

Mutual learning

The Social innovation+ initiative includes mutual learning, capacity building and networking activities to ESF+ Managing Authorities and other relevant stakeholders. These take place in two models:

  • Communities of practice
  • Other knowledge-sharing networks

Communities of practice

In the ESF+ Communities of Practice (CoPs), ESF+ stakeholders from different EU Member States discuss common challenges, exchange best practices and benefit from capacity-building on how to use the ESF+ to fund their measures.

CoPs organise regular in-presence and online events and study visits. They also produce publications on different topics related to quality and efficiency of ESF+ investments, papers such as toolkits and checklist to provide practical guidance on the use of ESF+.

More details can be found in the COP’s 2024 work programmes below.

Interested in joining? Please contact cop@esf.lt for more information and/or sign up here!

ESF+ Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills

In the 2021-2027 programming period, more than one third of ESF+ investments will fund measures targeting the education, training and skills of European citizens and their integration into the labour market. 

Events and activities of this COP focus on how the ESF+ can be used for this purpose.

More information on registration and the COP work programme.

ESF+ Community of Practice on Social Innovation

In the 2021-2027 programming period, all EU Member States has been required to invest in social innovation projects at regional and/or national level. 

In the ESF+ Community of Practice on Social Innovation (SI CoP) provides a forum of discussion and guidance on how to adapt ESF+ funding to fund social innovation projects, monitor and measure their impact and how to transfer and upscale them. 

The SI CoP furthermore supports the work of the National Competence Centres for Social Innovation. 

More information on registration and on the COP work programme.

ESF+ Community of Practice on Social Inclusion

In the 2021-2027 programming period, nearly a third of ESF+ investments will fund measures targeting Social Inclusion. 

In the ESF+ Community of Practice on Social Inclusion (SocIncl CoP), stakeholders look on how to best use ESF+ to ensure citizens’ access to timely and quality social services, provide active inclusion measures and support people at risk of social exclusion.

The SocIncl CoP focuses on key topics lie homelessness, child poverty, care and deinstitutionalisation. 

More information on registration and on the COP work programme.

ESF+ Community of Practice on Migrant Integration

In the 2021-2027 programming period, a specific objective was introduced in the regulation to ensure more targeted investments towards the integration of third country nationals. 

In the ESF+ Community of Practice on Migrant Integration (MI CoP), stakeholders are invited to share good practices on the targeted investments they make towards migrant integration, in fields related to labour market integration, social inclusion and beyond.

More information on registration and on the COP work programme.

ESF+ Community of Practice on Material Support

In continuation of the FEAD community's activities, the objective of Material Support Community of Practice is to improve the provision of material support with ESF+, by bringing together different stakeholders and building a more coordinated, effective, and sustainable approach to the material support provision.

The main objectives are to build capacity, consolidate knowledge, facilitate exchanges, promoting innovation and support policy change in delivering material support and facilitate social inclusion. 

More information on registration and on the COP work programme.

Other knowledge-sharing networks

EURoma Network

This Network of transnational cooperation aims to contribute to the promotion of social inclusion, equal opportunities and fight against discrimination of the Roma community through the improvement of the use of European Cohesion Policy Funds – notably European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

EURoma Network aims to help improve the effectiveness and impact of the initiatives targeting the Roma population in the current programming period, to contribute, based on partners’ experience and the work within the Network, to European/national frameworks and policies of relevance for European Cohesion Policy Funds/Roma inclusion, and to foster transnational cooperation as regards European Cohesion Policy Funds and Roma inclusion.

More here: https://www.euromanet.eu/

ALMA Network

The ALMA Network is a network of ESF+ Managing Authorities and Implementing Bodies at national and regional levels, that are currently implementing or planning to implement ALMA measures under their ESF+ Programmes 2021-2027. The aim of the network is to support Member States and regions to implement ALMA projects. 

The Network activities focus on: 

  • Coordination and practical support for launching and implementing ALMA calls (e.g. discuss the planning and drafting of calls, share good practices, etc.); 
  • Work on specific and cross cutting topics to ensure the high quality and further development of ALMA projects (e.g. measuring soft outcomes/ soft indicators, taking forward SCOs, etc.);
  • Information sessions about the state of play regarding ALMA projects. 

More here: ALMA Network - SI+ (socialinnovationplus.eu)

Contact: ALMA@esf.lt