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Euronews: Minimum income initiatives helping the EU's most vulnerable households

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(c) European Union

Principle 14 (minimum income) of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the Commission's recommendation on adequate minimum income are the focus of the latest Euronews' Real Economy episode on air 25 Jan 2023. It features a family from Bulgaria who migrated to the city of Offenbach in Germany 10 years ago.

It's been a decade of hardships, marked by unstable jobs and homelessness, as well as language and cultural barriers for the parents and their three children. The episode tells the family's story and the support they receive from CRIS (Cooperate, Reach out, Integrate Services), a pilot project funded by the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation.

'We cover the full cost of housing, and we cover a wage for livelihood which is sufficient but on a very low level. So there always should be an incentive to take up work to earn more money.' says Matthias Schulze-Boeing, CRIS Transnational coordinator.

The episode includes an interview with Bea Cantillon, Professor of social policy at the University of Antwerp, who explains why minimum income schemes are important and how they're currently applied across the EU.