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Eiropas Sociālais fonds Plus
Simplifying the ESF+
Better results, less administrative burden.
Social Innovation Match (SIM)
Find Europe's best social innovation projects and organisations!
The European Pillar of Social Rights
Making social rights a reality through ESF+ funding


Stepping up ESF+ support for climate disaster recovery

In response to recent climate-related natural disasters, the European Commission has proposed amendments to key EU regulations, enabling a quicker and more flexible mobilisation of funds for post-disaster recovery efforts.

Helping Slovak workers transition from mining to new careers

A new initiative funded by the Just Transition Fund (JTF) aims to support workers from the declining coal industry by equipping them with the skills needed for new opportunities in a rapidly evolving labour market.

Kas ir ESF+

What is esf+ collage
Eiropas Sociālais fonds Plus (ESF+) ir Eiropas Savienības galvenais instruments, kas sekmē investīcijas cilvēkos un atbalsta Eiropas sociālo tiesību pīlāra īstenošanu. ESF+ budžets 2021.–2027. gadam ir 142,7 miljardi eiro, kas tiks izlietoti tam, lai turpinātu sniegt būtisku ieguldījumu ES nodarbinātības, sociālajā, izglītības un prasmju politikā, tai skaitā lai veiktu strukturālas reformas šajās jomās.