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Europos socialinis fondas +
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Malta’s planners board the SpatialTRAIN for success

Public sector employees in Malta are being encouraged to study the latest technologies with SpatialTRAIN, a scholarship scheme from the country’s Planning Authority. Geospatial technology and the

Taking the mystery out of good customer service

In Malta, Public Administration departments are being improved thanks to a Mystery Shopper Project, created with help from the ESF. Originally seen in retail and sales, the mystery shopper idea is

Access to Employment brings hundreds back into work

Employers in Malta are being encouraged to employ people who have not worked for six months or more – especially those from less-employed groups such as people aged over 50, single parents and people
trainees & trainer

Investing In Skills is helping thousands to train

In Malta, more than a thousand people a year are undertaking further study as part of their employment, with a scheme called Investing In Skills (IIS). By offering grants to employers, IIS has already

Youth Guarantee 2.0: updates bring success

Since 2014, Malta's Youth Guarantee has worked with NEETs (young people who are not in employment, education or training), providing training and other activities to help them find success in the

Support and training is the key to employability

After being out of work for a long time, finding a job becomes more difficult. Repeated rejections, an aging skill set and a lack of practice with applications and interviews can all become very

Specialist training to help those who help others

For staff in organisations that support vulnerable people, the right kind of training is vital. Support workers often have to help people with multiple complex needs, so it is important their

Encouraging age diversity to benefit businesses

As the population ages, and people are required to work for longer, a project called Demographic Consulting is making it easier for Austrian companies to attract and retain staff, by helping them to

Easing the transition from school to work

For some young people, further academic education simply isn't the right choice after school – but they also lack the qualifications to start work or vocational training. For those facing this dilemma