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Group of high-level specialists starts its work on the future of EU Cohesion Policy

cohesion handshake with stars
(c) European Union

The group of high-level specialists on the future of cohesion policy, established following the publication of the 8th Cohesion Report, will meet for the first time on 31 January 2023. Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, and Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, will open the meeting.  

The meeting It starts at 9:30 h CET and can be followed online (in listening mode only) on the European Commission livestream page.

The work of the group, which will continue until 2024, will focus on how to re-examine and re-shape the role of cohesion policy. This includes policies implemented through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) in the context of challenges to European integration, and the development of the European Growth Model. 

To allow for a thorough, comprehensive understanding and assessment of the issues at stake and future trends, the group membership incorporates experts in academia, politicians, socio-economic partners and representatives of civil society, each appointed in their personal capacity. The chair of the group is Prof. Andres Rodriguez-Pose from the London School of Economics. 

To find out more about the membership of the group and to follow its work, visit the website of the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG-REGIO) of the European Commission.

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