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SIM case study2022-05-11

AK Asyl Weiden

Addressing some of the integration challenges, AK Asyl Weiden aims to support migrants through promoting the successful and sustainable integration of migrant children into the German education system. AK Asyl Weiden provides multi-fold support, helping both children and parents through different aspects of their integration that may have an impact on school attendance and attainment. The project also seeks to contribute to tolerance, acceptance of strangers, and dismantling of prejudices in German society, through awareness raising events and workshops. The initiative takes care of a cross section of children (including children of Jewish quota refugees, civil war refugees and guest worker children), providing services ranging from school support to counselling. All-round support in their schoolwork is provided daily after school with the aim of promoting a successful and sustainable integration of children into the German education system. They also support parents and guardians through an interactive approach, providing advice on any social or legal problems that they may have, as well as support on day-to-day issues concerning living in Germany including help with sending their children to school and support with healthcare appointments and administrative tasks. The project supports up to 230 children at any one time. So far, no students have dropped out, and only a very small number of children have had to repeat a year.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Θεματικές παραλλαγές
Better education and training systems
Equal access to education and training
Upskilling and reskilling
Active inclusion and employability
Integration of third country nationals
Integration of marginalised communities
Equal access to social services
Social integration of those at risk
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - local
EUR 750,000
Programming period
Type of initiative
Facilitating transitions
Internet and social