Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο
Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινωνικό Ταμείο+
SIM case study2022-05-11


Deindustrialisation in the Asturias region in Spain in the 1980s resulted in a steep rise in unemployment and a stagnation of the region’s economic activities. Factories and wider infrastructure were left unused. Valnalón is an agency of the regional government of Asturias that offers on business start-up support and entrepreneurship education as a way of tackling the negative impacts of deindustrialisation in the region. Valnalón transforms unused industrial spaces into locations for budding entrepreneurs, giving new businesses access to much-needed physical space as well as space for networking and collaborating with other entrepreneurs.Valnalón created the first publicly-funded Business Centre in the Asturias region, which now offers a project incubator programme. It also encourages entrepreneurship among young people by working with schools, decision-makers, practitioners and other social agents to design and deliver innovative entrepreneurial education. Since 1992, nearly 5 000 people have benefitted from Valnalón’s business start-up support, resulting in the creation of 780 businesses and over 1 000 jobs. Moreover, since the start of Valnalón’s educational projects in 1994, around 600 000 people have participated in its activities. Valnalón has played a key role in the transformation of the region through business creation and the promotion of an entrepreneurial culture among its citizens.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Principado de Asturias
Θεματικές παραλλαγές
Access to quality employment
Tackling long term unemployment
Adaptation of workers and enterprises to change
Upskilling and reskilling
Active inclusion and employability
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - national
EUR 381,000 (2014-20)
Latest data from Valnalón:
From Government Principado de Asturias (period 2014-20):
- Entrepreneurship Education: 2.160.000 EUR
- Entrepreneurship Promotion: 298.189,11 EUR
Programming period
Type of initiative
Empowering people
Internet and social
EU fund