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Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινωνικό Ταμείο+



scailing up social innovation cover
  • Transnational cooperation

Scaling-up social innovation: Seven steps for using ESF+

This toolkit recommends seven strategic steps to follow in support of scaling-up of social innovations. The seven steps are inspired by a range of European and other research projects, practical experiences, European Union (EU) policy acquis, and dialogue about research, practice and policy.

  • Transnational cooperation

The ESF and community-led local development: Lessons for the future

Community-led local development (CLLD) is a bottom-up approach to policy development that encourages local people to form a Local Action Group (LAG) – a partnership that designs and implements an integrated development strategy for their area.

  • Report

2021 FEAD Network Case Study Catalogue

The case studies in this report show how the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD)  is protecting and caring for Europe’s citizens and helping to lift them out of poverty, using a combination of material support and access to services.

  • Transnational cooperation

Checklist: How to target and support people experiencing homelessness with the ESF+

This checklist aims to guide those managing or implementing the European Social Fund and European Social Fund Plus, including managing authorities, intermediate bodies, relevant ministries, and organisations working on housing, in planning and implementing Housing First actions with homeless peop