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SIM case study2023-03-24

Support services for ex-convicts

The innovative aspect of this ESF-funded project, running between 2016 and 2023, is that for six months before leaving prison and for up to 12 months afterwards, ex-prisoners receive mentoring and housing services free of charge. The mentoring continues when they enter the labour market, supporting them in their decision-making.
The mentors, which are an individuals trained to work with prisoners by specialised NGOs focusing on social projects, job seeking, social counselling, and crime prevention, and mentees agree on a ‘working alliance’, in order to reinforce trust and cooperation. They meet, on average, once per month during the six months in prison. Mentees are advised how to approach life outside prison, given links to other service providers and specialists based on their needs, and generally facilitated to integrate into working life. Once they leave prison, their mentor will meet them, reinforcing their trust in the alliance and directing towards the available support. There are four mentees per one mentor on average.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Θεματικές παραλλαγές
Social integration of those at risk
Target groups
Individuals experiencing poverty or social exclusion
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - national
EUR 4 100 000
Programming period
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Integrating disadvantaged groups
Internet and social
EU fund