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Europæiske Socialfond Plus



Participants in a lab

Medical supplies allow a safe return to studies

Students in Greece have been able to safely return to their studies in labs and clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to a project that enabled Higher Education institutions to buy protective

“Digital” doesn’t have to mean “impersonal”

The ‘Digital Red Cross’ is encouraging Red Cross employees in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, to learn and use digital tools and technologies, whilst ensuring that caring roles still have the human touch
picture of sahra josephine hjorth

Finansieringsboost til digitalt forretningssamarbejde

Ekstra COVID-19-finansiering til et projekt i Danmark betyder, at flere virksomheder vil kunne samarbejde med vidensinstitutioner, udvikle digitale innovationer og tilpasse sig et hurtigt skiftende
Picture of an action

Hundreds of families benefit from Digital Inclusion

Luxembourg-based non-profit organisation Digital Inclusion sprang into action during the COVID-19 lockdown, offering computers to households with school-age children that didn’t have one. Digital

Virtual classes make home learning easy for jobseekers

Training centre Technocité used in-house expertise, high-performance equipment and the latest software to allow its IT and digital trainees to study from home during Belgium's COVID-19 lockdown
Fischer couple

Styrkelse af detailhandlernes digitale forretning

Detailhandlerne på Sydfyn i Danmark har fået et løft, der hjælper dem med at navigere i et detailhandelsmiljø under forandring, takket være ekstra finansiering til et projekt, der styrker deres
a participant and two social assistants

Emergency funding provides essential Patronage Care

Local authorities in Bulgaria have been able to provide vital services to vulnerable people during the pandemic, through its home care network Patronage Care for the Elderly and People with
Participant Tiago and unidentifiable child

The Matrix offers inclusion and friendship

Young people from vulnerable communities in Fundão, Portugal, are taking part in activities to build their confidence and feel more included, thanks to a project called the Matrix. By offering

Postgraduate scholarships for career development

Postgraduate education is forming an increasingly important part of every country's economic and social agenda. That’s why a project from Malta's Ministry for Education and Employment is making it
photo of tablet

One Tablet Per Child has proved to be a vital tool

An ESF-funded project created to help Malta reach EU benchmarks in education has turned out to be a vital tool in recent months, allowing children to continue their education effectively during the