Vysokoškolští studenti získávají dovednosti, které jim umožní uspět v práci
Zelená a digitální transformace Evropy změnila způsob a důvody zaměstnávání lidí. K tomu, aby byli studenti vybaveni dovednostmi, které pro tento pokrok potřebují, je nezbytné, aby univerzity průběžně
A career reboot for unemployed Croatians
Being unemployed for a long time can be a confidence-shattering experience. Often, long-term unemployed individuals can feel powerless to find their way back into the labour market. One project
A lifeline for Lithuania’s most vulnerable citizens
Citizens on low incomes, particularly older adults, lone parents, the long-term unemployed, and people with disabilities are among the most vulnerable people in Lithuania, for whom the risks of
Breaking down language barriers to help migrants find work
For migrants who do not speak the language, finding a job can seem impossible. Fortunately, migrants to Luxembourg are getting free access to vital French language classes and one-to-one employment
Guided steps to independence for young people in institutional care
Like many young people in institutional or foster care, Cristina found the months leading up to her 18th birthday especially nerve-wracking. Becoming an adult would mean moving out of the care system
A place for people with intellectual disabilities to call home
Living alone can often be challenging for adults with intellectual disabilities. It is often difficult to balance the desire for independence while still meeting support needs – and keeping in mind a
A career in the kitchen
When Dovydas Zenkevičius contacted the Employment Service, an advisor put him in touch with ‘Enhancing the Social Competences of Young People’, a European Social Fund (ESF)-supported project that aims
Fighting the ‘social cold’ on the streets of Berlin
Berlin has seen an increase in homelessness and many of those affected struggle to access support services due to unemployment, extreme poverty, multiple health issues, language barriers and a lack of
Project helps migrants thrive in Sweden
When Asaleya Al Sayasna first arrived in Sweden, she knew she would have to learn the language to have a realistic chance of finding employment. With the help of the New eXtra support in Gävleborg
Second Chance helps French youth step on path to employment
Young people who drop out of school in France can get a second chance thanks to support from the European Social Fund (ESF). The ESF-funded ‘Global Individualised Support’ project in Nord Franche