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SIM case study2022-05-11

Garden of Encounter

In response to the ongoing refugee crisis across Europe, the largest refugee camp in Austria has emerged in the village of Traiskirchen. The NGO ‘Garden of Encounter’ brings people together regardless of nationality, religion and age, offering refugees low threshold integration activities and the local community a chance to engage with its new residents. The communal space encourages connection and collaboration between community members and refugees. It also acts as an educational space, hosting sewing workshops, German language classes, legal advice and emotional support groups for refugees. It hosts three school class visits per week for schools and local scout groups in order to experience organic food and diverse community cohesion in practice. The Garden of Encounter team has 14 members, including two members who are, or have been, refugees. The range of services and activities has expanded in response to demands of people from the local community and refugees. For example, the Garden of Encounter team has partnered with a local social market which provides cheaper food and supplies to people in need through a delivery service. Garden of Encounter team has involved approximately 100 refugees in its activities, with 30 currently volunteering at the community garden and sewing workshop. Refugees have been given stability and something to care for during an uncertain period of their life, with some even starting a business.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Témy vzhľadu
Integration of third country nationals
Integration of marginalised communities
Social integration of those at risk
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - local
Programming period
Project start
Type of initiative
Integrating disadvantaged groups
Internet and social