Problem addressed
The direct beneficiaries of the project are the unemployed, the uninsured, socially marginalized citizens, the homeless, the poor, socially vulnerable groups, as well as the entire population of the Municipality of Piraeus. In addition, indirect project beneficiaries are the entrepreneurs and more specifically small and medium sized companies of Piraeus, who with their active participation in the project can potentially contribute to the maximization of the results, to the diffusion of the new ICT tools, as well as to their active participation in the reforming of the social profile of Piraeus.
Innovative solution
- The creation of an integrated network (hub) for identification and recording of beneficiary needs in Piraeus.
- The ability to deal with emergency situations with flexibility and consistency, always aiming to support those in most need for support.
- The implementation of targeted social interventions in all socially vulnerable groups as well as individuals experiencing social and economic exclusion.
- Strengthening social cohesion and preventing the phenomena of marginalization and alienation from social life.
- Creation and implementation of integrated and holistic models of sustainable social development and cohesion.
- Creation and sharing of innovative and specialized tools with the use of modern ICT.
- Implementation of targeted networking and publicity actions.
- Consolidation and coordination of social interventions with the aim of wider dissemination of tools,
Key results and benefits
The project includes three (3) work packages, aiming at the effective achievement of its objectives
- W.P.1. “Organization & Operation of the social Mechanism / Operation & Coordination”
- W.P.2. “Interventions for the support of Social Inclusion in the Municipality of Piraeus”
- W.P.3. “Development of tools and information systems – Additional research and expertise”
The “Support interventions and complementary services of special and emergency needs” in the context of Deliverable 2 of the Act, include the creation of a mechanism to prevent the phenomenon of social exclusion in the Municipality of Piraeus. In other words, it is about creating a system to provide psychosocial, material and financial assistance to residents who are in immediate need.
In this context, as their main activity, the Direct Intervention Officers observe, identify and record the special needs of citizens on a case-by-case basis but also synthetically, of each socially vulnerable group.
Therefore, through their contact with people with mobility difficulties or disabilities, they noticed that simple everyday things, such as visiting a cultural center, a museum, paying a bill or handling bureaucratic issues in a public service and the free provision services from social structures seem like an impossible task, a sea of suffering, and many times unattainable actions.
As the object of the “Prevention and Direct Social Intervention Network in the Municipality of Piraeus” program is to improve the effectiveness of social inclusion actions and the fight against poverty and discrimination, it could not fail to take action and promote initiatives related to individuals who have mobility problems. For this reason, it undertook the design and development of a digital application, which will be a valuable tool in the hands of all people with mobility problems.
Potential for mainstreaming
As the object of the “Prevention and Direct Social Intervention Network in the Municipality of Piraeus” program is to improve the effectiveness of social inclusion actions and the fight against poverty and discrimination, it could not fail to take action and promote initiatives related to individuals who have mobility problems. For this reason, it undertook the design and development of a digital application, which will be a valuable tool in the hands of all people with mobility problems.