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Fondul social european Plus
SIM case study2022-05-11

Berlin Neighbourhood Management programme

Unemployment in the 1990s was high across the whole of Germany, and deprived neighbourhoods – often in less developed Eastern Berlin – faced multiple social challenges adding to this. The Berlin Neighbourhood Management programme was introduced in 1999 by the Berlin Senate to tackle the problem of increasing segregation in urban areas. The programme is based on the idea that in order to create a stable and self-sustained community, it is essential to build a sense of local ownership and actively involve citizens in decision-making. The city of Berlin identifies socially deprived neighbourhoods to take part in the programme. Each neighbourhood establishes a Neighbourhood Council, made up of local resident volunteers and local organisations such as sport clubs, schools, churches and community centres. The Neighbourhood Councils identify the main needs of their district, shed light on the complexity of the issues they face, and co-design a project that offers a sustainable solution, that is then financed by the city of Berlin. To date, the programme has reached 465 500 residents in 34 neighbourhoods in eight boroughs. Sustainable change in urban social development was achieved mainly through facilitating integration of people in the district and improving education opportunities in the areas. A 2017 evaluation of the programme showed that eight neighbourhoods have been deemed more sustainable and increasingly independent. These neighbourhoods will no longer need funding support after 2020.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Tackling long term unemployment
Active inclusion and employability
Integration of third country nationals
Integration of marginalised communities
Equal access to social services
Social integration of those at risk
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - national
Public - regional
EUR 364,000,000
Programming period
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Empowering people
EU fund