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Volunteer mentoring helps families in need

Volunteer mentoring helps families in need
© shutterstock

Le Chéile Mentoring is a national volunteer mentoring and family support service, co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund. The service works with young people involved in illegal activity or at risk of offending, as well as their families.

The project trains and supports volunteers from local communities to become mentors. ‘Mentors play a huge role in helping support families that are in difficulty,’ says volunteer Peter Keller, who explains that mentoring can alleviate tension and stress within the household.

Adding to this, a Volunteer Mentor notes that ‘No words can explain how giving 1–2 hours a week as a “volunteer”, the feeling you get when you see a person grow and want to make changes in their life because they have someone who meets with them and believes in them.’

Fellow volunteer Lorraine Gleeson highlights that mentoring shows those struggling that somebody cares, while not want anything in return.

Mentors act as positive role models, providing supportive relationships for young people and parents. In 2021 the project mentored 188 young people and supported 75 parents, and continues its mission of reducing crime rates and fostering integration in the community.

Project details

Project name
Le Chéile Mentoring
Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund
Project start
Project end
Contact details
Aoife Quinn
Total budget
EUR 11 648 000
EU Budget contribution
ESF – EUR 5 824 000