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SIM case study2023-03-24


Over the lifespan of the project, from December 2017 to November 2019, TOPHOUSE partners developed tools aimed at service providers and professionals in the region of Girona who are willing to embrace this new paradigm and work towards the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in society. Each tool created within the project serves a specific purpose, but the combination of all tools represents a consistent and ready-to-implement model to guide service providers on how to practically achieve the standards set by the UNCRPD. For instance, the different tools developed helped streamline the different aspects that need to be considered by professionals to realistically provide a long-lasting support to persons with disabilities in their exercise to independent living. The first tool developed by the project is the ‘Top House Assessment of Individual Needs and Rights’ which aims at strengthening persons with disabilities’ awareness of their own right. deals with the self-identity of the person with disabilities and the level of awareness of their own rights. Subsequently, the scales on housing and support help professionals and service users define their needs in relation to different topics (see below) related to the sphere of housing and the sphere of supports and, more importantly, define the steps to do to materialise the support in those areas. Finally, the TOPHOUSE model includes an info package for organisations to improve the level of cross-sectorial cooperation as general consensus and practical experience leads the consortium to believe that at some point of the process, actions, interventions or resources from externals organisations and professionals (public, private, health services or social services) will be required. And lastly, the TOPHOUSE Training Package is designed to train professionals from different organisations and service providers on the use of the materials with practice-oriented exercises and case-scenarios. Working closely with public services has contributed to accelerate the process of deinstitutionalisation, achieving the closure of mental health institutions in the Girona region (North East Catalonia), as well as providing community-based services and delivering a unique and recognised supported decision-making service to persons with disabilities.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Equal access to social services
Social integration of those at risk
Target groups
Individuals with disabilities
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - regional
Programming period
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Empowering people
Internet and social
EU fund
Erasmus +