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Europæiske Socialfond Plus
SIM case study2022-05-11

Youth Competence Centres

Antwerp faces high levels of early school-leaving and youth unemployment. While there is not one single explanatory factor for these phenomena, studies have shown that young people may feel disillusioned and distrustful of formal education institutions, or ‘authority figures’ due to negative past experiences. Youth Competence Centres (YCCs) are spaces where young people in Antwerp can seek advice and counselling on their future personal and professional development. YCCs’ innovative approach is that it actively seeks to build a trusting, personal relationship between counsellors and young people. The Centres aim to get young people involved in social and educational programmes that can enhance their self-esteem, and ultimately boost their labour market and social integration. YCC counsellors – who are young people from the local area – meet young people in informal settings such as in parks, and at cultural and sport events. This ensures that the young individuals are at ease when communicating with counsellors, supporting the trust-building process. Counselling sessions either focus on Work-related Acquired Competences or Recognition of Acquired Competences. Between 2017 and 2019, of the 1,135 people who received intensive coaching sessions, 35% resumed their education activities, 19% found a job, and 6% started a training course. Overall, 60% of the coached young people found employment or a training opportunity (with the limitation that most such work opportunities were temporary).

Case study details

Lead organisation
Prov. Antwerpen
Active inclusion and employability
Social integration of those at risk
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - regional
Public - local
Programming period
Project start
Type of initiative
Integrating disadvantaged groups
Internet and social
EU fund