The ESF and community-led local development: Lessons for the future
Community-led local development (CLLD) is a bottom-up approach to policy development that encourages local people to form a Local Action Group (LAG) – a partnership that designs and implements an integrated development strategy for their area.
EaSI Technical Working Group (TWG) MEMBERS & ALTERNATES
A full list of delegates for the ESF+ EaSI Technical Working Group (TWG), last updated February 2022
2021 FEAD Network Case Study Catalogue
The case studies in this report show how the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) is protecting and caring for Europe’s citizens and helping to lift them out of poverty, using a combination of material support and access to services.
Ex ante assessment of Simplified Cost Options and partnerships between managing authorities and audit authorities – How to do it?
The aim of this document is to support European Social Fund (ESF) authorities in assessing the legality, regularity and eligibility of Simplified Cost Options (SCOs) before implementation.
Simplified Cost Options – A practitioners’ manual
This manual aims to support European Social Fund (ESF) authorities and stakeholders in designing and implementing Simplified Cost Options (SCOs).
Checklist: How to target and support people experiencing homelessness with the ESF+
This checklist aims to guide those managing or implementing the European Social Fund and European Social Fund Plus, including managing authorities, intermediate bodies, relevant ministries, and organisations working on housing, in planning and implementing Housing First actions with homeless peop
Practical guide - creating pathways for support for vulnerable young people to enter training and the labour market
Building on a peer-to-peer training (Feb. 2021), this guide will help the ESF community to develop/improve solutions for young people who are disengaged, not actively looking for work and/or training, or experience challenges, such as poverty, social exclusion, disability and discrimination.
Mini-toolkit: Use of the European Social Fund for actions to combat poverty and social exclusion of children
The toolkit draws on exchanges during a peer-to-peer training on programming actions to combat poverty and social exclusion of children, held in January 2021, in the context of the emerging European Social Fund Plus (ESF+)
Social innovation: inspirational practices supporting people throughout their lives
This brochure presents 27 examples of social innovation initiatives across the European Union, one from each Member State.