Addressing youth unemployment through outreach, activation and service integration
Between 2016 and 2018, the ESF Youth Employment network explored support to marginalised Youth through site visits: integrated services (Finland), the role of foundations (Germany), young offenders (Czechia), innovation and sports (Belgium), helping young people leaving care (UK - Scotland).
Female (Un)employment and Work-Life Balance
This paper highlights the differences between men and women on the labour market, focusing on participation and the possibility of combining work and private responsibilities, and goes on to explore the contribution of EU Funds, especially the ESF, to female employment and work-life balance.
Review of the European Code of Conduct on Partnership
The review aims to assess the usefulness of the European Code of Conduct on Partnership (ECCP), learn more about the challenges encountered in its execution, and develop recommendations to embed the partnership principle into the 2021-27 programming period.
Co-production - enhancing the role of citizens in governance and service delivery
This dossiers looks into the positive impact and value added within the context of the European Social Fund (ESF), and concludes with recommendations for the implementation of co-production in ESF programmes and projects in the 2021-27 programming period.
Systems Thinking for European Structural and Investment Funds management
This guidebook was drafted by the ESF thematic network on Public administration and governance.
Integrated services - Early lessons from transnational work in the European Social Fund
This dossier synthesises the work of five transnational networks of European Social Fund managers on reforming public services to better serve the needs of people in need, both bottom-up – from the point of view of the client – and top-down, from that of the system.
ESF Transnational calls – writing and managing calls for proposals
This dossier highlights the conclusions from a learning seminar (November 2016), and the 8 steps which are necessary to prepare and manage transnational calls for proposals.
Thematic Networking - a guide for participants
This guide is addressed to people involved in managing transnational work in the ESF. It aims to explain the role of Thematic Networks and how to manage them effectively.
Transnational Cooperation in the European Social Fund 2014-2020 – An introductory guide
This guide to cooperation for 2014-2020 aims to extend good practice initiated previously while taking takes stock of weaknesses identified in earlier financial perspectives.