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Fond Soċjali Ewropew+

New strategies to prevent homelessness in Finland

Kaisu Isomäki/ARA, 2017
New city-level strategies for preventing homelessness are being built across Finland, thanks to a four-year project funded by the European Social Fund.

"Municipal Strategies to Prevent Homelessness", led by the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland, is piloting new strategies which shift the focus from remediation work to prevention.

The project covers three main themes: Early Intervention, Social Inclusion and Supported Housing. It is based on Finland's national "housing first" principles: making housing a prerequisite for rehabilitation, better social inclusion and the journey towards employment.

In the short time the project has been active, it has already successfully developed and tested new models of working in more than six cities. Knowledge about housing and homelessness pathways has increased and the focus is shifting to become more preventative at local and national levels.

Project details

Project name
Municipial Strategies to Prevent Homelessness
Main coordinator: is The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland and partners include the cities of Vantaa, Kuopio, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Espoo and Lahti.
Project start
Project end
Internet and social
Contact details
Sina Rasilainen - Project manager
+ 358 29 525 0809
Total budget
EU Budget contribution
€ 1,679,481.00