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Fond Soċjali Ewropew+

Helping entrepreneurs turn creativity into business

image of entrepreuneur
Medstrøm, 2017
For many creative people, running a business can mean learning commercial skills that take them out of their comfort zone. It’s one thing to have creative talent, but quite another to know how to grow and market a business successfully.

Now, however, creatives in Southern Denmark are receiving specialist support and learning how to embrace a culture of commerce and growth, thanks to a project called “Creativity and Entrepreneurship” (also known as “Medstrøm”).

Entrepreneurs are offered four courses, based on the four steps of the entrepreneurial journey: idea, establishment, growth and expansion. But, more broadly, the Creativity and Entrepreneurship project also inspires a culture of growth – helping creatives to learn how to prioritise sales and marketing to develop their business, and encouraging them to learn from each other as they grow.

Project details

Project name
“Creativity and Entrepreneurship”
Svendborg Municipality, Fremtidsfabrikken, Jessens Mole 11, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark
869 participants by the end of February 2019. The project ends in August 2020.
Project start
Project end
Internet and social
Contact details
Jonathan Broch Jacobsen
+45 30174461
Total budget
EU Budget contribution
€ 3,350,600.00