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Europos socialinis fondas +
SIM case study2024-05-29

Qui, un quartiere per crescere

In Italy there are numerous peripheral areas with socio-economic, educational and cultural difficulties, where risk factors for the growth of children and adolescents are particularly widespread and accentuated.

Save the Children Italy launched the programme ‘Qui, un quartiere per crescere’, meaning ‘Here, a neighbourhood to grow’ to significantly improve the living environment of children and adolescents living in peripheral neighbourhoods, places that face difficulties related to social exclusion, but where at the same time it is possible to think of a relaunch and transformation plan.

Through a place-based approach, the programme responds to the specific needs of each area, actively involving children and adolescents as agents of change in collaboration with different stakeholders of the local communities. In each district involved, a Development Plan for the rights of children and adolescents has been promoted, setting out long-term and medium-term objectives focusing on the promotion of children’s and adolescents’ rights by intervening in different spheres of life, including education, health, the environment and the fight against poverty.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Access to quality employment
Modernising labour market institutions and services
Tackling long term unemployment
Better education and training systems
Equal access to education and training
Upskilling and reskilling
Active inclusion and employability
Equal access to social services
Social integration of those at risk
Addressing material deprivation
Promoting Life long learning for all
Modernisation of social protection systems
Target groups
Individuals experiencing poverty or social exclusion
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - national
Public - local
Considering the 10-year time of the program the budget may vary based on the interventions carried out, there is an estimated cost that varies between 7 and 10 million euros in 10 years.
Programming period
10 years (2022-2032, even if in the project end we inserted 2030 since the system doesn't recognize values > 2030)
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Building partnerships
Children and adolescents, institutions, civic organisations, schools, associations, social services, educational and cultural realities, educators and teachers, doctors, the City Council, social and health workers, researchers, volunteers, etc.
Internet and social
EU fund