On 28-29 September 2023, European Commissioner for jobs and social rights Nicolas Schmit was in Jelgava, Latvia, where he visited the new multi-functional social care service centre as well as the recently renovated municipal building offering social housing, social services, group apartments and a day-care centre for persons with disabilities. These EU-funded investments in social infrastructure along with support from the European Social Fund (ESF) for the project ‘Open your heart in Zemgale’ have allowed the municipality of Jelgava to provide high-quality community-based care services for adults with mental impairments and for children with functional disorders. The ESF funding helped provide numerous services, including specialised workshops in which adults with mental impairments can acquire skills in woodwork, leather processing, sewing and beading.
Commissioner Schmit stated: ‘This project brings impressive results, thanks to the very engaged people who make the difference on the ground, helping people with special needs live an independent life.’
The success of the ‘Open your heart in Zemgale’ goes beyond the city of Jelgava. The objective is to increase the share of community based social services in the region of Zemgale by providing support to 545 persons with mental disabilities, 630 children with functional impairments as well as 276 children in out-of-family care with personalised support plans. The project has been implemented since July 2015 and will run until December 2023, with a total ESF co-investment of almost €8.5 million.