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Europæiske Socialfond Plus

Osuma: inspiring competitors to become co-operators

In Finnish, ‘Osuma’ means ‘hit’: hitting the target and being successful. It's the perfect name for a project set up to bring together professionals who have applied for EU funding, and to help their
Photo of participant - Elodie

Online Homework Help Service has hidden benefits

In Finland, an Online Homework Help Service isn't just helping young people with their homework – it's also helping higher education students to learn digital and communication skills, and giving them

Fun peer-to-peer activities improve wellbeing

In Finland, young people are being taught how to create fun and interesting activities for their peers, which don’t only improve everyone's wellbeing, but promote social empowerment too. The Höntsä

New strategies to prevent homelessness in Finland

New city-level strategies for preventing homelessness are being built across Finland, thanks to a four-year project funded by the European Social Fund. "Municipal Strategies to Prevent Homelessness"
Pictures of two participants

Multiculturalism Festival creates new modern citizens

Children at three Croatian elementary schools have been widening their world knowledge with a Festival of Multiculturalism. “For the past nine months, students have been working hard and learning with
Picture of Ina

Making Time for Leaders... and inspiring others

Time for Leaders is a national initiative to encourage leadership skills within the Lithuanian education system. Leadership management is a relatively new concept in Lithuania, but by establishing a
Illustration of the project

Nye beskæftigelsesstrategier medfører social inklusion

For nogle af dem, der har været arbejdsløse i længere tid, kan det være en skræmmende udsigt at komme tilbage i arbejde. I Region Midtjylland udvikles der i et ESF-finansieret projekt nye strategier
Group presentation

Greater social responsibility for Greater Paris projects

Over the next few years, the Île-de-France region – which includes Paris and its surrounding areas – will see some big changes in its infrastructure. New transportation and housing developments will