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Evropský sociální fond plus

Discover the ESF+ Tour de France

Découvrez le projet "Rugby no limit"

A series of short videos provide an opportunity to tour the regions of France and discover emblematic projects supported by the national programme of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).

Take this opportunity to meet the people behind the projects and find out how unemployed women, young people, entrepreneurs, persons with disabilities, migrants and people from all walks of life, can benefit.

Featured initiatives include sustainability workshops and camps for the young, re-skilling of people who want to change jobs, and even using sports as a lever for employment and social integration by the Rugby No Limit association which teams up employers and their future employees through play.

In line with the competitive spirit of Tour de France, the Ministry of Labour, Health and Solidarity which is in charge of the ESF+ and JTF national programmes in France and of this campaign, has launched a quiz on their Linkedin Page.