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Communicating Cohesion policy in 2021-2027


The regulatory context for cohesion policy communication has gradually evolved throughout successive programming periods, from simple publicity requirements to more detailed communication and transparency obligations. The period 2014-2020 made a decisive step forward acknowledging communication as a strategic function of the programmes. The new provisions for 2021-2027 uphold this approach. They seek to strike a balance between reinforcing the responsibilities of member states/managing authorities and beneficiaries and lightening the regulatory burden on them.

The regulatory framework sets the minimum requirements under which programmes and projects communicate. However, the success of these efforts ultimately depends on the actual commitment, professionalism, expertise of involved authorities and project promoters. Which means going well beyond complying with the regulatory provisions. In other words, communication should not be treated as a bureaucratic box-ticking exercise. It should be a central aspect and a primary concern of programmes and projects. This booklet points to possible ways to best communicate the funds building on the 2021-2027 provisions.

You can find different language versions of the guidelines here.

Communicating Cohesion policy in 2021-2027 cover