SIM CASE STUDYGVETS: Introducing Gamification in Vocational Education and TrainingIntroducing gamification in VET for professionals working with migrant children
SIM CASE STUDYWings of HopeProviding social rehabilitation for children and young people with disabilities
SIM CASE STUDYIMPROVECo-production and provision of e-health services for the elderly in rural and remote places
SIM CASE STUDYLocal Agenda 21 Plus Vienna Increasing participatory citizenship through sustainable and transparent multi-level decision-making
SIM CASE STUDYDialogmuseum FrankfurtCreating shared experiences between people with and without disabilities
SIM CASE STUDYMy Streets IrelandProviding homeless or previously homeless people with work opportunities
SIM CASE STUDYThe Old School, Boyndie Visitors' Centre and ShopProviding work-based training and experience for people with disabilities
SIM CASE STUDYSocial Innovation under the European Social Fund in FlandersInvesting in innovation at local and regional levels
SIM CASE STUDYCommunity-Led Local Development in Kujawsko-PomorskieImproving social cohesion through community-led local development
SIM CASE STUDYEmerging Young Entrepreneurs (EYES)Encouraging cross-border collaboration and business opportunities for young entrepreneurs
SIM CASE STUDYPrepare MeSupporting people with additional learning needs to mitigate anxieties around everyday life situations