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European Social Fund Plus
SIM case study2022-05-11

Emerging Young Entrepreneurs (EYES)

In both Slovakia and Hungary, young people under 25 are around three times more likely to be unemployed. This is due to a mix of structural barriers (e.g. skills mismatches) and cyclical factors (economic upturns and downturns). Stimulating youth entrepreneurship is one approach to addressing this challenge, however opportunities to experiment with entrepreneurial ideas and meet and learn from entrepreneurs are rare in formal education in these two countries. This gives young people little chance to develop their entrepreneurial competences and acquire valuable skills for the labour market. A programme, called The Emerging Young Entrepreneurs (EYES), ran from September 2017 to April 2019 to contribute to the upskilling of potential entrepreneurs through educational events, training and networking opportunities in Slovakia and Hungary. The programme ran start-up competitions to propel promising new entrepreneurs into the business space, as well as networking events for emerging entrepreneurs and national and cross-border events for sharing experiences. The programme combined theoretical learning with hands-on support. The EYES programme provided educational and networking opportunities to over 300 start-ups in the region and delivered many key learning events. Across 18 months, it reached a vast audience of 10,000 people in the form of views, likes, shares and comments on its social media activities and online articles.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Modernising labour market institutions and services
Adaptation of workers and enterprises to change
Upskilling and reskilling
Active inclusion and employability
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
EUR 198205
Programming period
Project start
Type of initiative
Redesigning business models and value chains
Internet and social
EU fund