Mini-toolkit: Use of the European Social Fund for actions to combat poverty and social exclusion of children
The toolkit draws on exchanges during a peer-to-peer training on programming actions to combat poverty and social exclusion of children, held in January 2021, in the context of the emerging European Social Fund Plus (ESF+)
Social innovation: inspirational practices supporting people throughout their lives
This brochure presents 27 examples of social innovation initiatives across the European Union, one from each Member State.
Career Management & Age Management
This paper covers ESF practices to keep older workers in employment and/or reintegrate them into the labour market and society, and goes on to suggest setting up dedicated career and age management strategies supported by the ESF+.
Measuring the distance travelled and soft outcomes for long-term unemployed people
The concept of ‘distance travelled’ is a way to measure progress in achieving ‘soft outcomes’ that may lead to sustained employment or other associated ‘hard outcomes’ in the future.
Guidebook: How ESF Managing Authorities and Intermediate Bodies support partnership
The aim of the guidebook is to support ESF managing authorities and intermediate bodies in implementing the partnership principle in their programmes.
Lessons learned from transnational cooperation
This publication displays lessons learnt from transnational cooperation since 2015 around five themes: ways of working in the Thematic Networks; synergies between the ESF and other EU funds and programmes; stakeholder engagement; transfer of learning; mainstreaming.
Transnational Cooperation 2016 Coordinated Calls
This report features 30 ESF projects funded under the 2016 transnational coordinated call, involving organisations from 14 Member States.
Inspirational practices for tomorrow’s inclusive digital world
In line with the ESF education and skills network’s aim to support the implementation of the EU Digital skills and jobs coalition, this paper includes examples of ESF-funded projects featuring innovative solutions to the challenges of digitalisation and the future of work and skills.
Job carving and job crafting
This paper looks at how ESF Managing Authorities and their partner organisations may support employers, employees and unemployed people in job carving and/or job crafting – two methods aiming to match the needs of enterprises with the talents, needs and interests of individuals.
Synergies between the ESF and Erasmus programmes: making it happen
Building on the ESF Network on Partnership, this report displays a preliminary mapping of partnership interpretations in the regulations of other EU Funds and programmes, including Erasmus+, EaSI, FEAD, Horizon2020, Cohesion Fund, ERDF, EAFRD, EMFF, etc.