The Municipality of Turin has launched the “Community concierge” to provide virtual and physical assistance to both vulnerable families and single people.
From bereavement to job losses, to loneliness and relationship breakdown, the psychological strains caused by the coronavirus crisis have affected people’s life in Turin. Demand for support and counselling has gradually increased.
The Municipality of Turin with support from the European Social Fund (ESF) has launched the “Community concierge” to provide virtual and physical assistance to both vulnerable families and single people. With a budget of € 1.285.000,00 the service is financed by the Operational National Programme (PON Metro) which has run from November 2016 and will continue till December 2020.
This initiative aims to address the issue of social isolation through activities such as:
- Support to isolated people, notably to the elderly
- Cultural activities
- Digital support, distant learning
- Language classes
- Babysitting, homeschooling support for kindergarten and primary school pupils
- Psychological support
The initiative aims to promote the inclusion of disadvantaged people in marginalised neighbourhoods through the development of social activities.
The proposed activities and services must be located in urban areas with high socio-economic problems of the City of Turin. Target areas are identified through indicators such as: job employment rate; level of education; housing conditions.
The project is in line with the key principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights as it invests in people and in social cohesion.
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