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Europees Sociaal Fonds Plus

New type of learning boosts students’ confidence

students learning mechanics
(c) 2021 Shutterstock

Students who are socially excluded or otherwise vulnerable can find it difficult to engage with vocational training. The more social challenges students face, the more likely they are to consider themselves less capable. Students who are already isolated are at far greater risk of dropping out before completing their course. 

With help from the European Social Fund, one college in Malta has launched new, state-of-the-art support structures, designed to identify and break down barriers and and keep students learning. 

A pilot project of the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, ’Adding Value: Nurturing Journeys in IVET at MCAST’,  has developed software which helps to personalise a student's learning experience based on their needs and skill levels. The project’s novel approach also “gamifies” learning, providing teaching programmes in the form of interactive games and quizzes. 

The college has also recruited dedicated teams of mentors, who work with all students studying up to Malta Qualification Framework level 3. These 23 mentors offer personalised support, building a close rapport with students and helping to anticipate and prevent any feelings of inadequacy or detachment. 

Researcher Suzanne Borg has been studying the effects of the mentoring service and is enthusiastic about the project’s potential, stating, ‘Results show that mentees find the mentoring program to be beneficial. Mentors are described by mentees as supportive, respectful and understanding. Statements such as, “She cares!”, ”I couldn't do it without a mentor” and “You never know when you need one” outline how useful and helpful the program has been throughout these three years.’

Project details

Project name
Adding Value: Nurturing Learning Journeys in IVET at MCAST  
MCAST – The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology
Project start
Project end
Internet and social
Contact details
Dr Tatjana Chircop
00356 2398 7132
Total budget
EU Budget contribution