Most frequently asked questions - follow up to ALMA technical meeting
As a follow-up to this technical launch meeting, please find here a document gathering the ‘Most frequently asked questions’ during this two-days event, including during the three thematic workshops.

Result-based approaches: selected case reports of ESF-funded practices
This paper presents eight case reports on result-based approaches implemented by ESF managing authorities in Belgium-Flanders, Finland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal and Slovakia.

Improving collaboration to support the integration of long-term unemployed and inactive people: a mini-toolkit
This mini toolkit presents information on concepts, tools, and practices which can support stakeholders in using European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) resources to assist in the integration of people furthest from the labour market, including long-term unemployed and inactive people, including older j

Supporting early childhood development and care
With a specific focus on inclusive early childhood development and care, this paper discusses the use and potential of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) to improve social inclusion for children in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

Learning from experience: integrating disadvantaged young people through mobility schemes
This paper was produced following a Peer Review on ‘Supporting disadvantaged young people to take part in mobility’, which took place in May 2021. It aims to show lessons learnt from previous initiatives which can be useful for setting up schemes under the ALMA initiative.
Engaging employers in work-based learning and apprenticeships: A recommendations paper
This paper summarises the experiences of ESF managing authorities and intermediate bodies in developing projects, calls and programmes for providing financial aid to support employer engagement in work-based learning and apprenticeships.
Deinstitutionalisation of persons with support needs
This paper was developed as part of the work of the ESF Transnational Cooperation Platform (2020-2022) and its community of practice on social inclusion.

European Social Fund synthesis report 2020
Since 2016, annual reports synthesise the ESF achievements on the basis of the annual implementation reports submitted by member states. This latest edition summarises the achievements by end 2020 (reported by MS in 2021). It was prepared by the ESF Data Support Centre.